There’s just something about drinking a cup of coffee that you know is clean that just makes it taste so much better. When we found Lifeboost Coffee, we knew that we were on the hunt for a company that delivered clean, delicious, freshly roasted beans. That hunt led us to Lifeboost Coffee and we were excited to review some of their products since they seemed to check all the boxes we wanted out of “healthier” coffee beans, but needed to know if the flavor we wanted was there as well.
Lifeboost Coffee Review
Lifeboost Coffee’s main roasts are certified organic and third party tested for all the things you want to avoid in your daily dose of joe, like mycotoxins, molds, heavy metals, and pesticides. On top of that, they also test for 400 other toxins in their beans!
The coffee beans are of single origin so that cross contamination can be avoided and their website states that they are “hand selected, high elevation and shade grown”. One change we would like to see is for Lifeboost to list the country of origin on the bag instead of the broad “from Central America” description.
So many coffee beans we’ve tried leave that strong acidic taste in our mouths and once they travel down to our stomach can leave such an unpleasant feeling. Lifeboost Coffee beans are grown to full maturity, Sun dried and then washed with spring water all before roasting to ensure low acidity.
To add to this extensive list, Lifeboost Coffee also roasts their beans fresh in small batches when you place your order. Nothing beats fresh roasted coffee beans!
Having checked the boxes on all our top expectations for a coffee company (quality, testing, organic, toxin free, and fresh), it was time to make sure it checked the most important box, taste.

We reviewed three different roasts; medium, dark, and espresso. We received whole beans and ground them using our previously reviewed Niche Zero coffee grinder. According to their website, their medium roasted Arabica coffee is their most popular. The description they give is, “Full Bodied with very round flavors to complement the sweetness. Reminiscent to a chocolate covered fig, this brew is creamy and nutty, with a hint of a dried fruit top note”. It was true to the description and pleasant to drink, even black.
The dark roast was our personal favorite. It was smooth, bold, and robust with an aftertaste that was surprisingly delightful. Rich, but still light enough to not be shocking to the palette. Lifeboost states that this coffee is usually referred to as French or Italian. Once again, drinking it black was enjoyable and what we loved the most is that even though this roast was the strongest, it still left little to no acidity in our stomach and no heartburn. Even after a couple cups, just to make sure.
The espresso roast was similar to the other two in that it left no bitter taste, stomach upset, or heartburn. It was also smooth and the perfect base for a latte! The flavor is deep, dark, and rich. It would be satisfying to any coffee lover.
We would highly recommend going and grabbing yourself a bag or two of LifeBoost Coffee and giving it a chance to wow you. They offer so many variations including light, blonde, and decaf, but also flavors including Frosted Cinnamon Roll, Crème Brûlée, and Wild Fermented Wine Infused Coffee. Any ideas on how those mouth watering titles would taste when it comes to coffee beans? We’d love to find out! You can purchase your very own Lifeboost Coffee beans on Amazon.
Disclaimers: Thank you to Lifeboost Coffee for working with SelectedText and sending review samples. As an Amazon Affiliate, we earn on qualifying purchases.
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