We are investigating a bug preventing older posts from displaying on the home page.

Selected Text welcomes review requests from companies and PR persons looking to have their products thoroughly reviewed and covered. You may contact us to request a review of your product, as well as direction regarding where to ship the product or email the code or invitation.

Reviews, requests, and returns

In most cases, we will not accept review requests that require the product to be returned to the company due to complexity of such an effort and the time constraints that are often placed on this type of review. We are happy to cover a wide variety of products at Selected Text, but sometimes we may not find a product to be a good fit and may decide to opt out of reviewing it. This is unlikely to happen, but if it does, please be aware that we are not obligated to review all products we receive.

Selected Text affiliates

It’s worth noting that Selected Text is primarily funded by affiliate revenue, so any products we choose to review will have affiliate links in the post for the convenience of our readers and the longevity of this establishment. If your company provides a competitive affiliate program, we would be happy to go through your affiliate system to link to your products, assuming revenue rates exceed the alternative options and other conditions are agreeable. Simply let us know of this program in your review request.

Reach out